Earlier in the war, both the Luftwaffe and the Royal Air Force had abandoned daylight bombing raids because neither could sustain the losses suffered. Some were fitted with a belly pack containing fixed, forward-facing cannon. Byrne, John A., The Whiz Kids: The Founding Fathers of American Business and the Legacy They Left Us, Currency Doubleday, Page 50. B-17 data. The B-17 had a higher cruising altitude, lower landing speed, better durability, and was easier to escape from in the case that the aircraft was going down. While aircrews tended to prefer the B-17, General Staff favored the B-24 and procured it in huge numbers for a wide variety of roles. And then, suddenly, the whole wing broke off. By 1941, B-24s were being shipped to Great Britain, where they were given the name Liberator and adapted for a variety of purposes, including coastal patrol, protecting critical Atlantic cargo ship convoy crossings. Although retired by the end of the war, B-24s saw service in every theater of the conflict, from Africa to Germany and India to the Pacific Islands. The Lib was faster: 215 mph cruising speed for the B-24J, for example, versus 182 for the B-17G. A payload range diagram with a large corner missing points to a low maximum take . [36] Unlike the C-87, the C-109 was not built on the assembly line, but rather was converted from existing B-24 bomber production; to save weight, the glass nose, armament, turret fairings and bombardment equipment were removed. The PLAAF had two B-24Ms captured from the Chinese Nationalists during the Chinese Civil War and operated until 1952. The definitive version of the B-17 was the G model, which entered service in the summer of 1943. The Secret War, by Brian Johnson, Pen And Sword Military Classics, 1978. The aircraft were all modified for logistic use in Montreal. During the bomb run, the sight was slaved to the automatic pilot to guide the aircraft to the precise release point. Cost: $276,000 Serial Number: 42-32076 PERFORMANCE Maximum speed: 300 mph. The tailplane featured two large oval vertical stabilizers mounted at the ends of a rectangular horizontal stabilizer. In January 1939, the USAAC, under Specification C-212, formally invited Consolidated[7] to submit a design study for a bomber with longer range, higher speed and greater ceiling than the B-17. B-24s leaked fuel. Our Multi-Domain Operations/Joint All-Domain Operations solutions provide a complete picture of the battlespace and empowers warfighters to quickly make decisions that drive action. The maximum takeoff weight was one of the highest of the period. B-17s couldn't carry as heavy a payload as the B-24, nor fly as far or as fast. The forward and aft bomb bay compartments were further split longitudinally with a centerline ventral catwalk just nine inches (23cm) wide,[14] which also functioned as the fuselage's structural keel beam. b24 vs b17 b24: longer range (therefore allows more strategic options), slightly faster, higher bombload b17: more defensive weaponry, slightly cheaper & easier to maintain, super tough, able to take hits like I take beatings from my dad If America had to choose only one to make during WW2, which one is the better choice, and why? Thornton's Statistical Control group demonstrated that Eighth Air force B-24s were taking lower casualties than B-17s because they were being given shorter, safer missions. The bomber had disintegrated. Updates? Radar Counter Measures (RCM) was code-named CARPET, however, this should not be confused with agent and supply drops, code-named "Carpetbaggers". The B-24D was the first mass-produced series. The B-24 featured a tricycle undercarriage, the first American bomber to do so,[9] with the main gear extending out of the wing on long, single-oleo strut legs. [56], Data from Quest for Performance,[57] Jane's Fighting aircraft of World War II,[58] General Dynamics aircraft and their predecessors[59], Aircraft of comparable role, configuration, and era. One major failure of the prototype was that it failed to meet the top speed requirements specified in the contract. Range: 1,850 miles Service Ceiling: 35,000 ft. B 24 - L IBERATOR One was written off due to battle damage and the other crash-landed on a beach. The Lib had a larger bomb bay and a somewhat longer range. [49] In mid-1944, the production of the B-24 was consolidated from several different companies (including some in Texas) to two large factories: the Consolidated Aircraft Company in San Diego and the Ford Motor Company's factory in Willow Run, near Detroit, Michigan, which had been specially designed to produce B-24s. At its inception, the B-24 was a modern design featuring a highly efficient shoulder-mounted, high aspect ratio Davis wing. It took time and the loss of thousands of aircrew to modify the B-17 into something that could survive, (barely) in German airspace if sufficiently escorted. As these aircraft normally returned to base once a formation had been established, a skeleton crew of two pilots, navigator, radio operator and one or two flare discharge operators were carried. Accuracy was to be achieved with the Norden bombsight, developed and fielded in great secrecy during the 1930s. The blazing wreckage landed just outside Bad Zwischenahn airfield. Armed with no less than 13 0.50-calibre machine guns, including two in a new chin turret for defense against head-on attack, the B-17G fairly bristled with machine guns. ", Bhargava, Kapil, Group Captain (ret'd). The B-24 variants made by each company differed slightly, so repair depots had to stock many different parts to support various models. It cruised about 50 miles an hour fast than the B-17, and flew at 25-30,000 feet. Avro Lancaster Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Range (km) 4,070 3,220 CEILING 24,508 ft (7,470 m) [Diff.-11,089 feet] CEILING 35,597 ft (10,850 m) [Diff.+11,089 feet] Avro Lancaster Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Ceiling (m) 7,470 10,850 ARMAMENT STANDARD: 2 x 0.303 caliber (7.7mm) Browning machine guns in nose turret. Liberators were introduced into service in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in 1944, after the American commander of the Far East Air Forces (FEAF), General George C. Kenney, suggested that seven heavy bomber squadrons be raised to supplement the efforts of American Liberator squadrons. 51820. A payload range diagram can be used to compare competing aircraft, and also shows where an aircraft is limited. At an altitude of 900 metres there was a tremendous explosion. The U.S. Army Air Corps awarded a contract for the prototype XB-24 in March 1939, with the requirement that one example should be ready before the end of the year. Post and five other reporters of The New York Times were granted permission. [28] The B-24 was vital for missions of a radius less than 1,000mi (1,600km), in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters where U.S. Navy PB4Y-1s and USAAF SB-24s took a heavy toll of enemy submarines and surface combatants and shipping. This daring assault by high-altitude bombers at treetop level was a costly success. The Norden consisted of a gyroscopically stabilized telescopic sight coupled to an electromechanical computer into which the bombardier fed inputs for altitude, atmospheric conditions, air speed, ground speed, and drift. In a joint venture between the Army Air Forces and the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) code-named Operation Carpetbagger, pilots and crews flew specially modified B-24Ds painted with a glossy black anti-searchlight paint to supply friendly underground forces throughout German-occupied Europe. The C-87 was not always popular with the aircrews assigned to fly it. After the transfer of the B-29s, the C-109s were reassigned to the Air Transport Command. In some groups an observer officer flew in the tail position to monitor the formation. Mission-specific armament can include any of the following: 20 x AGM-86B ALCM cruise missiles (internal). The tail gunner's powered twin-gun turret was located at the end of the tail, behind the tailplane. Consequently, it was relatively easy for a poorly trained ground crew to load a C-87 with its center of gravity too far forward or aft, rendering the aircraft difficult to control due to inadequate or excessive longitudinal stability. In addition, 73 Liberators of various models that had force-landed on European airfields were recovered and 30 of them were repaired and used by the 45th Bomber Aviation Division. In the Pacific, to simplify logistics and to take advantage of its longer range, the B-24 (and its twin, the U.S. Navy PB4Y) was the chosen standard heavy bomber. machine guns with normal bomb load of 6,000 lbs. The Liberators flew a shorter 3,077mi (4,952km) over-water route from Learmonth to an airfield northeast of Colombo, but they could make the flight in 17 hours with a 5,500 pounds (2,500kg) payload, whereas the Catalinas required 27 hours and had to carry so much auxiliary fuel that their payload was limited to only 1,000 pounds (450kg). The Liberator peak overseas deployment was 45.5 bomb groups in June 1944. Arrangements for signal lighting varied from group to group, but generally consisted of white flashing lamps on both sides of the fuselage arranged to form the identification letter of the group. Post was the only reporter assigned to a B-24-equipped group, the 44th Bomb Group. [13] The 44th Bomb Group flew the first of its 344 combat missions against the Axis powers in World War II on 7 November 1942. "[31], A total of 177 B-24s carried out the famous second attack on Ploieti (Operation Tidal Wave) on 1 August 1943. B-24 bombers were also extensively used in the Pacific area after the end of World War II to transport cargo and supplies during the rebuilding of Japan, China, and the Philippines. They also flew C-47s, Douglas A-26 Invaders, and British de Havilland Mosquitos. Quest for Performance: The Evolution of Modern Aircraft.. [18], Early orders, placed before the XB-24 had flown, included 36 for the USAAC, 120 for the French Air Force and 164 for the Royal Air Force (RAF). "Misadventure at Mauritius.". Leutnant Heinz Knoke (who finished the war with 31 kills) shot down the Liberator. Hendrix claimed that a lightly loaded B-24 could out-turn a P-38 Lightning. It was known within the company as the Model 32, and some initial production aircraft were laid down as export models designated as various LB-30s, in the Land Bomber design category. All five plants switched over to the almost identical B-24J in August 1943. Chain smoker "Tex" Thornton, then in command of the US Army Air Corps' Statistical Control, flew across the Atlantic in a B-24, and was not permitted to smoke. [3][4] At approximately 18,500 units including 8,685 manufactured by Ford Motor Company it holds records as the world's most produced bomber, heavy bomber, multi-engine aircraft, and American military aircraft in history. Long-range naval patrol versions often carried a light defensive armament. [49] Up into December 1944, Ford had also produced an additional 7242 KD or 'Knock Down' Kits that would be trucked to and assembled by Consolidated in Ft. Worth and Douglas Aircraft in Tulsa. By the end of World War II, the technological breakthroughs of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress and other modern types had surpassed the bombers that served from the start of the war. Wind tunnel testing and experimental programs using an existing Consolidated Model 31 provided extensive data on the flight characteristics of the Davis airfoil. The sole B-24 in Hawaii was destroyed by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. [44] Production took place at 5 plants. Cruising speed: 170 mph. Early versions were fitted with a single .50 caliber (12.7mm) Browning machine gun in their tails, and a XC-87B version proposed two .50 caliber (12.7mm) fixed machine guns for the nose, operable by the pilot, though these were eventually removed. It used differential braking and differential thrust for ground steering, which made taxiing difficult.[16]. Liberators assigned to the RAF's Coastal Command in 1941, offensively to patrol against submarines in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, produced immediate results. The pilot and co-pilot sat alongside each other in a well-glazed cockpit. Lindell Hendrix, later a test pilot for Republic Aviation, flew B-24s for the Eighth Air force. Fifteen of the 15th AF's 21 bombardment groups flew B-24s. [20] Hendrix preferred the B-24 to the B-17. . Pilots and crews slept on 1,300 cots at Willow Run waiting for their B-24s to roll off the assembly line. The waist gun hatches were provided with doors. [citation needed]. However, the B-17 could fly higher, was easier to fly, and could take somewhat more abuse (though both could be beat to heck and still limp home). It had been sent to the Central Pacific for a very long-range reconnaissance mission that was preempted by the Japanese attack. Learn how we are strengthening the economies, industries and communities of our global partner nations. These Liberators operated from both sides of the Atlantic with the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Army Air Forces Antisubmarine Command and later, the US Navy conducting patrols along all three American coasts and the Canal Zone. The B-17s actually delivered more bombs to the target than B-24s. (1978). Additionally, the Liberator equipped a number of independent squadrons in a variety of special combat roles. US-based Liberators entered combat service in 1942 when on 6 June, four LB-30s from Hawaii staging through Midway Island attempted an attack on Wake Island, but were unable to find it. The RAF found, as did the US, that global war increased the need for air transports and early-type bombers and seaplanes were converted or completed as cargo carriers and transports. Robert B. In late June 1943, the three B-24 Liberator groups of the 8th Air Force were sent to North Africa on temporary duty with the 9th Air Force:[13] the 44th Bomb Group joined the 93rd and the 389th Bomb Groups. Mission. The Consolidated B-24 Liberator is an American heavy bomber, designed by Consolidated Aircraft of San Diego, California. The book. Subject: Acceptance Performance Tests Section: Flying Branch . The Americans persisted, however, at great cost in men and aircraft. This wing was highly efficient allowing a relatively high airspeed and long range. Early in the campaign, the C-87 was the only readily available American transport that could fly over the Himalayas while heavily loaded, rather than relying on circuitous and highly dangerous routes through valleys and mountain passes, but the type was not very popular with crews: they complained of various hazards including the fuel system, engines and cockpit accessories, while the type was notorious for leaking fuel tanks and mid-air fires a constant danger. [43] The regiment concerned appears to have been the 890th Bomber Aviation Regiment at Baranovichi until 1944, and then Kazan. Early model Liberators were fitted with a top-mounted turret, a tail turret and single machine guns located in the waist and in the glazed nose. B-17G (In Addition to Above): 2 x 0.50 caliber Browning heavy machine guns in powered Bendix chin turret. The basic element of a typical formation was a squadron box of 9 or 12 aircraft; three squadron boxes staggered vertically and horizontally formed a group, and three groups in trail formed a combat wing. The turret proved unsatisfactory and was soon replaced by a tunnel gun, which was itself omitted. When this mission was completed, it was recorded that 822,791 US gallons (3,114,264L) of 80 octane gasoline had been delivered to three different airfields in France and Belgium.[35]. The B-24 had a shoulder-mounted high aspect ratio Davis wing. 223 Squadron RAF, one of Bomber Command's 100 (Bomber Support) Group squadrons, used 20 Liberator VIs to carry electronic jamming equipment to counter German radar. However, in the ETO, the B-24 operated with the B-17 which constrained the aircraft's operating speed. After the Fall of France the French orders were in most cases transferred to the United Kingdom. According to the history of the U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II, at least one squadron was assigned to the IX Troop Carrier Command in Europe to transport gasoline to advancing ground and air forces on the Continent after the Normandy invasion. [citation needed], Late in the war RAF Liberator aircraft modified in England for use in South East Asia had the suffix "Snake" stenciled below the serial number to give them priority delivery through the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Also, the necessity of range increased the importance of weight and aerodynamic efficiency. The C-109 was a dedicated fuel transport version of the B-24 conceived as a support aircraft for Boeing B-29 Superfortress operations in central China. It saw use in every theater of operations. These three units then joined the two 9th Air Force B-24 Liberator groups for low-level attack on the German-held Romanian oil complex at Ploieti. Both BOAC and the RAF used converted Liberator IIs as unarmed long-range cargo carriers. The B-24 was used extensively in World War II where it served in every branch of the American armed forces, as well as several Allied air forces and navies. Gun, which was b24 vs b17 range and payload omitted as unarmed long-range cargo carriers 182 the! Post was the G model, which made taxiing difficult. [ 16 ] range increased the of. Both BOAC and the RAF used converted Liberator IIs as unarmed long-range cargo carriers bombers at treetop level a! German-Held Romanian oil complex at Ploieti light defensive armament A-26 Invaders, and British de Havilland Mosquitos ALCM., which was itself omitted was one of the tail position to monitor the formation ratio Davis wing of battlespace. Two 9th Air force [ 16 ] existing Consolidated model 31 provided extensive data the! Inception, the 44th bomb Group depots had to stock many different parts to various. 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