However, by calculating the speed of the Japanese G4M Betty bomber that would carry Yamamoto, probable wind speed, the enemy's probable flight path, and assuming that Yamamoto would be as . Here are the current restoration projects underway: DONATE NOW . Meet Americas Highest Scoring Living Fighter Ace. They were painted in special 'surrender markings,' white overall with green crosses replacing the Japanese Hinomaru or red "meatball" national insignia. Within 20 minutes, Hellcats had shot down all 18 bombers. The decision not to incorporate the heavier, safer fuel tanks was necessary to meet the Navy's range requirements. The G4M2 was a complete redesign but it did not overcome the airplane's vulnerability to Allied firepower. You have completed projects related to aircraft, but none with PNG aircraft yet. The Air Force would not let . displays a restored SBD-3 Dauntless dive bomber recovered by the US Navy from underwater in Lake Michigan where it had lain since 1944. Rather, locals remember the P-47 disappearing. Mention the Australian Beaufighters Recovered Several hits were scored to the enemy aircraft and it was observed to catch fire. THERE IS AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF WORK GOING ON IN ANY RESTORATION INVOLVING A HUGE CREW OF PEOPLE. OCCASSIONALLY WE WILL ACCEPT REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES ON THE SURPLUS PARTS BUT ALWAYS AT COST. Striking distance meant 20 miles or less, thanks to the Ohkas tiny load of rocket fuel, and Betty pilots too often pulled the release handle early. THIS IS YOUR PERSONEL OPINION, NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT PROVEN BY HISTORY OR OTHER. The aircraft was operated by the 105th Naval Base Air Unit. In the tail, he introduced a 20 mm cannon. This is there opinion and they are entitled to argue it. In November 2015, billionaire Paul Allen bought the wreck for his Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum in Seattle. I COULD DISCUSS THIS ISSUE FOR 50 PAGES AND STILL WOULD NOT HAVE COVERED THE WHOLE SPECTRUM OF THE QUESTION YOU HAVE ASKED HERE. TOO MANY TO RECOUNT. A LOT OF PEOPLE, VETERANS, ENTHUSIASTS, MUSEUMS ETC COME TO US AND ASK US TO HELP. Maiden was flown by the incomparable Brent "Corsair Nut" Hecht In St. George Utah, 2 weeks ago. Mitsubishi aircraft were delivered to combat units in natural metal and spray-painted with camouflage in the fieldwithout the benefit of primer. Its G4M1 1280 was funded by another museum, which tried to sell it but found no buyers and was later donated to Plane of Fame. Amid it all came one of the Bettys most notorious flights: the mission to carry Admiral Yamamoto on an inspection tour of the Solomon Islands in April 1943. AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE, LEAVING STUFF IN THE BUSH DOES NOT CAUSE HISTORY TO BE SAVED NOR THE STORY TOLD. What are your feelings about the 'Swamp Ghost'? Language: English. One of the best-known Betty carcasses was on display for years at the Planes of Fame Museum in Chino, Calif. But when it finally emerged from the depths, the sleek shape of the Dornier Do-17 - referred to as the "flying pencil . As Yamamoto flew south 16 US P38 Lightnings were heading north from Honiara to intercept him. Early versions of the aircraft as deployed against Force Z could fly at up to 230 knots (265 mph) with a maximum range of 3,250 miles. AUW 6 lbs. Mention some of your work in PNG 1990 to present The B-25 was crewed by six men; pilot, copilot, bombardier or nose gunner, radio operator or waist gunner, flight engineer or navigator and tail gunner. The B-25, 45-8835, switched hands a couple of times in Canada including, Aurora Aviation Ltd, G&M Aircraft Ltd and eventually ended up back in the United States at Aero Trader in Chino, CA in 1993. He beat his affluent opponents like borrowed mules, then used his considerable winnings to finance a summer of travel around the United States, learning as much as he could about the overconfident gunslinger he would outdraw at Pearl Harbor two decades later. NOT REALLY. The model has been enlarged along the z axis to allow for better . Only one U.S. ship, the destroyer Mannert L. Abele, was ever sunk by an Ohka, and it cost six out of the eight attacking Bettys. with intentions to recover and remove the Betty Bomber for refurbishment . Many items from the PNG museum's collection were removed in late 2000-1 by yourself and '75 Squadron' See more ideas about mitsubishi, wwii aircraft, imperial japanese navy. Anything else you wish to add about yourself? I USE IT ALL THE TIME. It was codenamed Betty by the Allies. The G4M was a Japanese high-speed bomber-torpedo carrier. Possibly, assigned to the 761 Kktai (761 Air Group). One bomber broke away and he pursued it. This aircraft shot down a "Zero" and a "Betty" bomber over New Guinea in 1943. NASM restoration staff began working on the aircraft in January 1994. Delivered to the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) as Type 1 Attack Bomber / G4M1 Model 11 Betty manufacture number 1280. In 1964 an Ohio woman took up the challenge that had led to Amelia Earharts disappearance. 'The Bomber will fly again': Milwaukie restaurant closes, but B17 is still being restored The B-17 Alliance Foundation says the famous roadside attraction won't be completed until 2035. THE PROBLEM FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU (JUSTIN TAYLAN) IS THAT I STARTED SAVING HISTORYAND RESTORING WHEN YOU WERE GETTING OUT OF NAPPIES. When salvaged, they are not always for historical value, often as 'parts' for larger restorations to be bought, sold & traded and only used as patterns or to copy. Yamamoto was a smart guy, even though he only got a C+ for his two years of English studies at Harvard from 1919 to 1921. As the war dragged on, improved bombers failed to materialize so Mitsubishi fielded different versions of the G4M to fulfill new missions, and to eliminate the various weaknesses in the basic design. It's a good day when Dick Cole stops by for a visit, and at Winds Over Houston, Dick came by to say hi and even did a short little interview for us. Justin Taylan took his first trip to PNG in 1993. The tail of the Betty Bomber. They did nothing. For the Betty, however, it was all downhill from there. Based at Ng Whare Waatea marae in Mangere, it is located in the middle of the biggest Mori population in Aotearoa. WHEN OUT IN THE FIELD ONE COMES ACROSS SOME INTERESTING MATERIAL FROM TIME TO TIME THAT WARRANTS CONSERVATION. So why not fill those positions with dedicated gunships? During the invasion of Okinawa in April 1945, the U. S. Navy lost 21 vessels sunk and 217 damaged. Named in honor of General Billy Mitchell, pioneer of American military aviation, the B-25 Mitchell was manufactured by North American Aviation and saw service in every theater of WWII. The engagement did feature the first example of what came to be called kamikaze warfare. Robert Greinert interview with Pacific Wrecks export or removal, CLARIFICATION Recently we were selected by the South Australian Government to repair and operate the Southern Cross replica. Navy crews suffered 4,300 fatalities and 5,400 casualties, or seven percent of all crew casualties incurred during the entire Pacific war. It was not recovered, rather restored in Arizona & flew itself to Australia and is registered as VH-EAG. The Allies called it the BETTY but to the men that flew the airplane, it was popularly, but unofficially, the 'Hamaki,' Japanese for cigar, in honor of the airplane's rotund, cigar-shaped fuselage. For years it was assumed that the Japanese simply didnt know how to make good paint, but the reason was even more basic. Date - 07/02/2021 20:15:39. WHEN ALL ADDED UP, THE COST OF RECOVERY EXCEEDED THE THEORETICAL "PROJECT VALUE" OF THE WRECK BY A WHOOPING $200,000 USD. FUNDING COMES FROM MANY SOURCES, GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE. ONCE LOCATED WE DO THE RESEARCH TO DETERMINE THE STORY AND MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO MIA ISSUES INVOLVED. YOUR STATEMENT IS A BIT SENSATIONALIST AND REFLECTS YOUR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE ON THE SUBJECT. . The Mitsubishi G4M was a twin-engine, land-based medium bomber formerly manufactured by the Mitsubishi Aircraft Company, a part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and operated by the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1940 to 1945. The Betty design would work. Is salvage a thing of the past? G4M Betty in flames after being shot down by the PB4Y-1 "Porter's Posse" of VB-106 off the coast of Biak Island on May 15, 1944. Subscribe to Dark Skies: and with a longer range than aircraft at the time, Mitsubishi's G4M was a true beacon of Japanese po. The Japanese built more of them than any other bomber during World War II. Firstly the preservation of the memory of those involved in its manufacture and operation. The only wreck known to be salvaged by USAF Museum is a O-38F. HOW OTHERS SEE IT IS THEIR BUSINESS. Here's how the last D-Day Tank Landing Craft was rescued. [in late April, early May 2006 B-17E 41-2446 aka 'Swamp Ghost' was salvaged. These tanks were much lighter in weight than explosion-proof (also called 'self-sealing') gas tanks. Two major portions survive: the nose including the entire flight deck, and ten feet of the fuselage. CLARIFICATION Pacific Wrecks has been in contact with Greinert since 2000, and emailed him questions and clarification related to all wrecks he is involved with, and he has reviewed information related to his activities. Japanese "Betty" bomber near Darwin. Then the aircraft took a round to the engine and had to belly land in a field next to a river. THE TONY RESTORATION WILL ALSO BE FEATURED IN A FORTHCOMING EDITION OF Classic Wings Magazine. It was then bought by Lodwick Aircraft Industries, Lakeland, FL in February 1946 where it was first civilian registered as NX69345. In 2011 it was operated by Fighter Hangar 1, now known as the Texas Flying Legends Museum. Join the RAF Museum's Ian Thirsk and Darren Priday as they discuss with the Museum's Seth Paridon and Ed Lengel, PhD, the . This BETTY was flight-tested as Foreign Equipment Test number T2-2205. The two rearmost and outermost Nells were, no surprise, found to suffer the highest casualties from opposing fighters. YOU NEED TO TALK TO THE MUSEUM AND OR '75 SQUADRON'. Mitsubishi produced a total of 2,414 G4M airplanes but few remained when the war ended on August 15, 1945. (Perhaps something is lostor gainedin translation.) In 1994 restoration was started to create Betty's Dream. CLARIFICATION The first Betty/Ohka strike, toward U.S. aircraft carriers off Kyushu in March 1945, consisted of 18 Bettys escorted by 30 Zeros. As the HARS army massed for the five year recovery plan one felt a personnel sense of achievement in having participated in the setting up of and running an organization that would lead to great works such as the Connies recovery to Australia. Interview April 2006. Thus was born the low-level B-25 strafer. AS I AM FINANCIALLY INDEPENDEDENT I DONT HAVE ANY NEED OR DESIRE TO PLAY THE COLLECTOR MARKET. The end had arrived for the Japanese and the BETTY bomber. Few would know it by its official designation, the Navy Type 1 Attack Bomber. They ranged across the length and breadth of the Pacific Theater, attacking targets from the Aleutians to Australia. Betty La Bomba is a damage champion, capable of outputting massive area damage from long range and zoning control on the map. IT IS TRULY ONE OF THE MOST MAGICAL COUNTRIES ON THE PLANET What companies, groups, do you you work with? IN REFLECTION, I THINK THAT ITS BEST TO CONSIDER SALVAGE, IN ORDER TO SAVE THE AEROPLANE FROM THE ENTHUSIASTS. Location, recovery and preservation of these objects is a an obligation and serves as a permanent reminder of their sacrifice. License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute. In the confusion, the Japanese troops were to destroy as many B-29s as possible and then head into the jungles to continue fighting as guerrillas. CLARIFICATION I PREFER TO HAVE THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL MATERIAL IN THE REBUILD AS POSSIBLE AND I GO TO EXTRAORDINARY LENGTHS TO SEE THAT IS ACHIEVED. MUSEUM OR INDIVIDUAL. The tail gun was a 20mm cannon, though a relatively ineffective one. Mitsubishi G4M - Bombers land-based Type 1, G4M - Japanese torpedo bomber medium of naval aviation during the Second World War. Mitsubishi produced a total of 2,414 G4M airplanes but few remained when the war ended on August 15, 1945. WETHER THE WRECK COMES OUT OR NOT IS A GOVERNMENT DETERMINATION. The Japanese more genially nicknamed the Betty Hamaki (cigar), and many sources have assumed this was a reference to the airplanes flammability when struck by enemy fire. Wendell had so much to share, we did a second part. "Swamp Ghost" Appetizers include chili, fresh tortilla . You have salvaged the best P-40, P-47 and P-38. Four days later, two BETTY bombers landed at Ie Shima Island. Initial results were impressive, but the Navy shelved the bomber for a time in favor of a variant to be called the G6M1. THE REST OF THE MATERIAL WAS ACQUIRED BY 75TH SQUADRON IN MELBOURNE. In order to achieve the G4Ms great range and performance, he was forced to equip it with the largest possible fuel tanks and to forego rubberized self-sealing protection for them. Escorted by four RNZAF Vought F4U-1 Corsair fighters, it was flown to Jacquinot Bay on October 14,1945 by Warrant Officer Kataoka Goro . When it first appeared west of the Gilbert Islands, the Allies were surprised and thought . Mitsubishi G4M Betty of 4 Kokutai at low level flight. ITS GREAT TO SEE KEARBYS FIN ON DISPLAY AT [USAF Museum at] DAYTON. THERE ARE SOME STRATEGIC RELICS SUCH AS [Ki-49 Hellen 3220] AT ALEXISHAFEN THAT SHOULD REMAIN WHERE THEY ARE. Like the Zero, its speed and ordnance-carrying capabilities were very good at the expense of crew protection. One highly regarded Japanese book about Bettys in combat is titled Wings of Flame. We are now sought out by governments and institutions, nationally and internationally, for our expertise in the restoration and operation of vintage aircraft. The Allies gave the G4M the reporting name Betty. The first G4M prototype left the factory in September 1939 and made the trek to Kagamigahara Airfield since Mitsubishi's Nagoya plant had no company airstrip. AND PUBLICATIONS SUCH AS PWD OFTEN GET IT WRONG AND ARE RELUCTANT TO CHANGE THEIR REPORTINGS WHEN THE ERRORS ARE EXPOSED. A view from above, also an indication of how far Betty fell when in the elevator. They devastated Clark Field, Philippine Islands, on December 8, 1941, and participated in sinking the British battleships HMS "Prince of Wales" and HMS "Repulse" on December 10. ITS THEN VERY MUCH ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS. It is based at the Commemorative Air Force Museum in Mesa, Arizona, US. It was delivered to RFC, Walnut Ridge, AR in October 1945. Describe a bit about export permits Many of the Grumman F4F Wildcats and Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers on display today were recovered from Lake Michigan years after training crashes sent them to rest on the murky bottom. 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