U1 AC 3.1 Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. When seeking their Remarkably, when exploring the relationship that exists between the teaching role and other professionals, it should first be realized that there is no standard approach for teachers to develop relationships with other professionals such as management or colleagues. Learners will feel motivated, supported, empowered, and developed because the best learning conditions are created. 2.1. Learning support assistant to help with. Students will have a wide selection of queries and issues and it is essential that teachers are able to refer students to ensure they receive the correct advice, no matter how well intentioned, being supportive and helpful can cause more problems than it solves if it concerns matters outside of our knowledge, skills and expertise. (Gould & Roffey-Barentsen, 2014, p. 25). 12 0 obj "Teaching is a continuous process which follows a series of steps to ensure effective learning and (Wilson, 2009). Their main responsibility is to confirm that learners are enrolled in the correct course, in terms of meeting their needs, abilities, ambitions and an organizations requirements. External agencies: when dealing with external agencies to <> endobj 3 0 obj This text is available online and is used for gudiance and inspiration. KEY ASPECTS OF LEGISLATION, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND CODES OF PRACTICE: As with any professional role there is always a legal requirement and ethical statutes. You can get writing help to write an essay on these topics 100% plagiarism-free, Explain how the Teaching Role involves working with other Professionals. And avoid speaking about others in a negative way such as gossiping., Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles, Explain the Boundaries Between the Teaching Role and Other Professional Roles. Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training. The evaluation from students and myself is an important motivation to become a better. 6 0 obj In the Institute of Learning's Code of Professional Conduct is states that individuals "respect the rights of learners and colleagues in accordance with relevant legislation and organisation requirement" (www.nelcls.ac.uk, 2013)., In summary, it is imperative to remain professional in the school environment and when communicating with other practioners in contact with school. It is also crucial to consider that each learner has something unique to add to the learning environment that can be helpful to other, What are teachers responsibilities to their learners? Notice the efforts and achievements of others. xn@-r="z "'$[lo&@j=|38'~8BJBp0Ck4qtEG\8Gpvqp/)*TLF)RdbF 2O&d m}%@5p/-PEz[T*j| &l.,STnT5T\W*8q <> <> By continuing well assume youre on board with our, https://samploon.com/understanding-roles-responsibilities-and-relationships-in-education-and-training/, Select a writer from a large pool of experts. When seeking their There are five steps in the teaching/training cycle; identifying needs, planning/designing, facilitating, assessing and evaluating. Equality and diversity is the idea of promoting and accepting the differences between people. & codes of practice relating to own role/responsibilities, 1.3 - Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity, 1.4 - Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs, 2.1 - Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment, 2.1b - Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment 2/2, 2.2 - Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others, 3.1 - Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals, 3.2 - Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles, 3.3 - Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners. When I think about the relationship between the teaching roles and professionals, wider professional practice springs to mind. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch, Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training. To consider aspects of, methods of teaching, body language and resources achieves inclusive practice and effective student support. We use cookies to optimise your experience of the site. . They need to create a scheme of work and plan sessions and keep a record of attendance. Setting role boundaries is also useful to define professional duties, limitations, and rights of a professional worker like a teacher. stream The onus then falls on the teacher to define the boundaries through their interactions with management and colleagues to ensure that the duties of the teaching role can be performed effectively. endobj Keeping learners motivated by giving positive encouragement and commenting on a job well done. URRR 3.3 - Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners. endstream Another responsibility is contributing to a team of professionals in order to improve the experience and achievement of their learners. Assessment needs to be an ongoing, integral part of the teaching and learning cycle. You should also make sure that each individual is learning with consistent assessing of their progress and keeping records of this, to help we have a teaching and learning cycle (Gravells, A. Some People Prefer Work Or Activities That Mainly Involve Working With People. I would also use appropriate language and show interest in what the pupils are saying and support them with school activities., It is essential for the teacher not to display favouritism and to be approachable to all learners. Essentially Adorno requires the teacher to be an intellectual i.e. THE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE TEACHING ROLE AND OTHER PROFESSIONALS: Professional and personal boundaries define limitations between students and staff members. Diversity is about recognizing and respecting these differences to create an all-inclusive atmosphere. A teacher must know where the teacher role stops. Learners are usually experiencing the process of understanding their skills. However, there will be other levels of management that a teacher has to liaise with frequently. The main boundaries to be set are:, These are varied, as a teacher we should standardise our practices with others, prepare the material we wish to deliver. ensure that I follow the curriculum and work to targets and deadlines. 3.1 Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. You must cite our web site as your source. A perfect example is the use of projectors, which can only be fixed by ICT experts. 10 0 obj They teach us good skills to take with us as we move on. Therefore, promoting appropriate behaviour is crucial to a successful learning environment. Francis and Gould (2009) states: Professionalism requires us to maintain appropriate standards and fulfil our responsibilities to learners, institutions and colleagues. Further Reading - Edutopia Blog "Setting Boundaries Can Mean a Happier Teaching Career". I will maintain a professional relationship with the learning experiences of student teachers in schools (Ashraf, 1999). endobj 7 0 obj Describe the personal boundaries a teacher may need to consider when working with other professionals 3. Teachers do this by planning and preparing teaching and learning activities that give an explanation for the needs and well-being of individual learners. The welfare of students must be addressed at all times. 2 0 obj Identify needs 2. that I follow their procedures and processes and also their data protection To deliver lessons effectively Of course all teachers want to pass on their knowledge in the most effective way possible. To be able to deliver effective and inclusive teaching sessions, where all individual characteristics are included. Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs. <> Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. 1.1 Main Role and responsibilities as a teacher/trainer in education and training %PDF-1.5 (2013) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, London: SAGE Publications ltd, 10, First Avenue,Muswell Hill,New York, United States. There are times when I need the assistance of other professionals. As a teacher I will need to evaluate the course and delivery throughout the course duration to enable continuous improvement of my teaching and the impact that it is having on my learner. The responsibilities and boundaries of teachers are centred within the following themes; Initial assessment, planning and preparing lessons, delivering and managing learning, supporting learning, and assessment. Coming in from a different country is very hard. Successful completion of this assessment achieves criterion: URRR 3.1 - Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. Analyse the purpose of assessment and produce a written justification of your chosen assessment method. Teachers play a good role in our lives. It is my duty to handle classroom, prepare lessons, prepare teaching materials, assess learners, identify needs, evaluate them and their delivery, maintain learners record of progress and facilitate learning. Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. Looking forward, I would like to expand on legislation and have a more in depth look at certain areas within the teaching role; such as planning and delivery. Role of a Teacher: Deliver lessons effectively Plan engaging and relevant lessons Give regular feedback to learners Support learners with their studies Responsibilities of a Teacher: Keep up to date with subject knowledge Identify learners needs Plan and prepare all lessons and resources Mark assessments Communicating with administrative personnel, Contacting companies to procure equipment and resources, Obtaining technical support from colleagues for unfamiliar equipment, Engaging in team-teaching sessions with other professional colleagues. Maintain records of progress. If learners know where they stand they will eventually stop pushing the boundaries. Ensure the security of learners whilst complying with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998. 3.1 Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. Assessment the learners is important to identify them and to know if they have other needs that is not our field. Explain how the Teaching Role involves working with other Professionals Remarkably, when exploring the relationship that exists between the teaching role and other professionals, it should first be realized that there is no standard approach for teachers to develop relationships with other professionals such as management or colleagues. Im not very good at keeping up with making notes while Im in class so thats where the auditory theory comes in where I prefer to listen to things over and over again until its embedded in my mind. As a teacher, you will rely on other professionals in your centre or organisation to deliver . They also have to follow legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice and be professional at all times to inspire their learners. Once a teacher identifies and meets individual learner needs, it boosts their morale and encourages them. Assessment level. Awarding Body/External Quality Assurer: I will need to And this is crucial as they can set up different types of equipment that can be used in the learning of students. This can be achieved through several methods. Maintain records of learners progress; make learning fun, interesting and informative., According to Minton (2003) establishment of good practice in teaching means a repeated cycle of preparation, teaching and review. Lastly, safeguarding officers are crucial as they ensure that the rights of students, most of who are minors, are well safeguarded (Stronge and Tucker, 2017). In regards to disabilities, a teacher should make sure that learning materials does not discriminate against anyone, that they are adapted where necessary, for example, large print or audiotape format. This essay has been submitted by a student. endobj This means, each activity has an aim that caters for the needs of a certain learner, and so by the end of the day, every learners needs are fully met. Tutor presentation Individual research 3.2 Explain the . Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals; The 'Team Around the Child' (TAC) concept can include any . Teaching practice is the practical aspect of teacher training and it is an assortment of factual and dramatic characteristics. Ways of promoting equality and diversity can be done by setting clear rules in regards to how people should be treated and challenge any negative attitudes. The area they are working and assessing or evaluating will identify if the aims and learning outcomes have been understand and achieved. The primary role of a teacher is to deliver classroom instruction that helps students learn. I see this valuable to my progression and career development. Although their first role in the process is as passive listeners, listening requires paying attention during class. gender, social-class or attainment groups) are fully and equally accepted and valued by you, and the establishment in which we work. As a Teacher, it is part of the role and responsibility to promote the right behavior and respect. (2017). The aim is to create an environment where all students can succeed together and understand that individual characteristics make people unique and not different in a negative way. Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. 3. Welcome Video1.1 - Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training1.2 - Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory reqs. 9 0 obj Each learner should be treated equally. The teacher must challenge discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping and encourage the group to mix. I should know how to inspire my learners and support learners needs. 1.2. Though this applies to secondary education the principles can inform teacher roles in the lifelong learning sector. There are many factors in Adorno's piece which I feel contribute to the development of this intellectual wholeness and I will attempt to outline them in my essay., The next stage is facilitating, or enables learning. Equality is about ensuring individuals are treated fairly and equally, no matter their race, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation. 7 0 obj Encouraging student participation in lessons and in other school-related activities. quality. Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity. 6. Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training. During the teaching practice student teachers find an opportunity to use the acquired knowledge, especially in the areas of psychology, teaching methods, teaching principles and teaching techniques. Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals This problem has been solved! Privacy Policy Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles c. Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of . All learners do succeed when there is a routine and stability. A teachers role is to arrange for suitable assessment for the students to ascertain their current skills and knowledge, to identify any barriers or challenges to learning to assess learning styles and to know the boundaries to work within. Unit 1 Understanding Roles Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training Sharing Resources with Other Learning Professionals, Ways in Which Resources can be Classified and Stored, Legal Requirements of the Development and Use of Resources, Theories, Principles, Models of inclusive Curriculum Design informing Resource Development. Promoting equality and diversity in education is necessary for both teachers and learners. This assessment also guides the teachers planning and choice of effective strategies to ensure that at the end of the lesson all and if not all the majority of the students have learned the lessons content and. When teaching the individual needs of the student may need to be passed on to another professional to facilitate learning if so this should be done in a professional manner and must treat the student with respect. When a teacher becomes familiar with the personal needs of their learners, they can easily plan their day-to-day activities, so they can cater to all of them. This video has 5 further reading resources: Answer choices - denote the correct one(s) by ticking the adjacent checkboxes, 2023 TuitionKit. The responsibilities of a teacher Planning and preparing lessons. follow the awarding body standards and processes when delivering qualifications. EVALUATION: The primary purpose of this report and compiling my Job Description is to gain knowledge, understanding and an insight into the role of a teacher. Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in education and training. I should be able to undertake effective teaching and strategies to allow learners to make progress. <> These boundaries are the challenges a teacher might face. Collaborator. It is not enough that they aretolerated. It is well with thee. We have a Knowledgebase video and article for this page! Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training. They have to identify meeting individual learners needs, being aware of the support methods available. We have to act within professional codes which involve knowledge of the Code of Professional Practice remember that a teacher and the students relationship has the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training: My role as a teacher will be to plan and deliver learning that provide extra support where necessary. On post it notes, write ways in which you currently manage behaviour in the classroom/training room Although my role as a teacher the professional practice and conduct of teachers, teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all students areas where learning support is needed at Work Act (1974) support your findings Word count = 500-800 (+/- 10%) Summarise key aspects of legislation,regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities role and responsibilities in lifelong learning Any roles come with own responsibilities. 3.1. Further Reading - Website article on "Maintaining Your Professional Boundaries" guidance and advice for teachers. As the end of college approaches however I feel that this was certainly the most relevant philosophy topic that we have studied so far.Adorno, essentially outlines the requirements for a good teacher and also the environment of teaching and learning that they create in the classroom. The initial task was to produce a job description on my ideal job. Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others. It is hard to ascertain that a student has fully understood a certain concept (Stronge and Tucker 2017). Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in education and training. <>>> Teachers must also engage in external and internal verifies. Day to day assessment is a crucial phase of effective teaching, it comprises of the teacher and the teaching assistant in the class focusing on how learning is progressing in that particular lesson, defining where improvements can be made and recognising the next step for the child, my role is working in partnership alongside the teacher who will help, support and work collaboratively with me as this will result in a valuable exchange of ideas and joint problem solving to enhance the future learning of the children we work with. Through research and reading, I was able to extend my knowledge and understanding of the importance to the following areas: TEACHING ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES: My role and responsibilities as a teacher are paramount for success and a clear understanding of what is required is important for the students progress and building professional relationships within the College or educational environment. Besides, a teacher may be required to work with other professionals such as they can work with ICT technicians. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.56 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Equally, life has a habit of throwing various situations at us. Avis, J., Fisher, R and Thompson, R (2015) Teaching in Lifelong Learning, 2nd Edition, Berkshire: Open University Press, Gravells, A. 11 0 obj Research and implementing new teaching methods. The Code was developed by the profession for the profession and it outlines the behaviours expected of members for the benefit of learners, employers, the profession and the wider community. ifl.ac.uk Teachers within the lifelong sector should comply with the code., Within the 2003 workload agreement (Woodward and Peart, 2013) its explains the levels of work a teacher could reasonably expect but also defines the roles which would provide a framework of support to the teachers role. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A teachers main role is to motivate their learners, to develop their ability and ambition to learn. (Or you can watch the first 40 seconds again), Now we will take a look at working with other professionals Now we will take a look at working with other professionals. Petty (1998), p.69, states: All students must feel that they are positively and equally valued and accepted, and that efforts to learn are recognised, and judged without bias. policies and others at all times. Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. A teacher's role is to arrange for suitable assessment for the students to ascertain their current skills and knowledge, to identify any barriers or challenges to learning to assess learning styles and to know the boundaries to work within. Boyle, K., 2020. 4. 2012). endobj 1 0 obj <> 3.1 How the teaching role involves working with other professionals PRACTICE, pp.1-18. 2. They must always have a smile on your every morning when the learners come in and laugh with them to make them feel comfortable. By creating a safe environment learners will be more relaxed and motivated, be able to participate, voice their opinion, ask questions and be actively involved and achieve their goals. A respectful level of professional separation should be maintained between the teaching role and the colleagues roles. There are five steps in the teaching/training cycle; identifying needs, planning/designing, facilitating, assessing and evaluating. Peers: I should have some responsibilities towards my peers by respecting them and exhibiting good practice such as making sure that the classroom is tidy and in order for the next teacher. By recognizing these small, but important details in their learners, it frees them up to deliver effective education that is supportive and understanding for their class. Teaching is a continuous process which follows a series of steps to ensure effective learning and (Wilson, 2009). xmk0=zv!c/J_zv+;)M1ew_-14pp5M>y*p"ge7e]%:Xx"#! 1, Explain what your main role & responsibilities are as a teacher/trainer in Education and Training (1.1) My role as a Teacher As a teacher, one of my main roles is to motivate my learners, to develop their ability to learn also to develop my learner's aspiration to learn. The Human Rights Act, 1998, giving the right to education, Children and Families Act, 2014, promoting the well-being of vulnerable children, Finally, Codes of Practice, The main points are: integrity, respect, care, practice, disclosure and responsibility. endobj Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. So when you are going to set your boundaries as a teacher you are also defining your duties and everything that your professional role involves. In order to do this teachers are responsible for promoting a safe supportive learning environment as well as promoting equality and diversity. 2 0 obj Learners expect teachers to respect and protect the confidentiality, confidential information includes personal details. & codes of practice relating to own role/responsibilities1.3 - Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity1.4 - Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner A teacher knows how to work well as part of a team. Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment. get help for learners or to refer learners, it's my responsibility to make sure Equality is about ensuring individuals are treated fairly and equally, no matter their race, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation. But being a teacher involves much more than executing . To consider aspects of, methods of teaching, body language and resources achieves inclusive practice and effective student support. 3.2. Identifying needs and planning, designing with planning, facilitating, assessing and evaluating. What are the roles and responsibilities of teaching? 3.1. role and responsibilities in lifelong learning. )(0#IAR0Hafgap_iJ5XxYL :pr9HlP/G&y5?n0Hw%R9;{O6#!!4 u912&JYA)p&}~WpWTWpY|UO(Lfy. endobj Dxk`$tMz5Apurhu {3q($YnQkvV+t8 vZ/WVL,_2] ,p\{1]UbDB3H JZ]A1Txyk-tD?yO>(y6V i#Z:_AhQ/;Lu4\u6q2|Kx[a Samploon is a database of free essay samples. Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles. teaching role involves working with other professionals Team role, e.g. My main role as a teacher is to facilitate, curriculum. The teacher should be experienced enough to tell that a certain learner has a particular skill or talent. Gravells (2017: 43) remarks that the onus is on the teacher to find out who the different levels of management are and how they can be contacted by reviewing the organization chart and the representative lines of communication. All learners, whatever their needs, should feel included in a learning environment where different teaching styles are used, and where they feel safe, accepted and valued. Also, the boundaries of the teaching role and developing relationships with other professionals may not always be clarified by the organization. Discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping and encourage the group to mix the lifelong learning sector preparing lessons body and. Identify and meet individual learner needs, being aware of the teaching and strategies to allow to... Learner needs, it is hard to ascertain that a teacher involves much more executing! The teaching/training cycle ; identifying needs and planning, designing with planning,,! 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