As the novel goes on and Scrooge begins to change, the narrator reveals the feelings and emotions Scrooge is experiencing, causing the reader to sympathise with Scrooge. The last ghost approaches, but is shrouded in a black garment so that all Scrooge can see of it is an outstretched hand and a mass of black. It tells Scrooge "Let us go on", "Let us see another Christmas!" Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Most stories guide a character on a journey of transformation, and story structure can help a writer design this arc of change. Struggling with distance learning? docx, 12.53 KB. Each chapter of the novel has a clear and separate purpose: The first chapter introduces Scrooge and emphasises his character flaws, before setting into motion the events that will lead to his redemption. What are the narrative techniques used in A Christmas carol? Scrooge starts out as a nasty person but is transformed into an everyday kind person. What is the theme of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens? Dickens uses a third-person style of narration in A Christmas Carol, meaning that the narrator is detached from the action. Many film and literature characters fail to leave an impact on the reader. Share Cite. A Christmas Carol is as much a ghost story as it is a Christmas story. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. It's mainly set in Scrooge's present, but it includes three separate episodes that have visions set in different time periods Scrooge's past, present and future. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. - Mostly Third Person narrative - This means there is an omniscient narrator who knows everything inside the character's heads. The narrator also shares some of his own feelings and emotions with the reader. Occasionally another ghost will crop up, but they're usually far more mundane. Not only has it been adapted countless times for the stage and screen, in reimaginings and retellings, but it is also credited with traditionalizing many of the Christmas celebrations we enjoy today. A CHRISTMAS CAROL - LITERARY TECHNIQUES Background Social change - cities expanding with development of factories, fewer jobs in country areas Technological inventions - railways/mechanised industries Published 1843 at start of Victorian Age No social security only workhouses where worked for no wages for bed/board The story of The Tortoise and the Hare is framed around a moral, that you can be more successful if you are slow and steady rather than being fast and careless. In A Christmas Carol it feels like you are being . (Oohhhhh). In Stave Five, the weather is "clear, bright, jovial" with "Golden sunlight". Many authors fear that venturing too far beyond the conventions of a given genre can make a book difficult to selland that's not entirely inaccurate. What is imagery? In any case, characterization is a crucial topic for the author to use throughout the story, it gives the reader information about the central characters and also gives each individual character a purpose. You can also see some characters mentally isolated by their life circumstances. Its easy to think that narrative structure and narrative technique mean the same thing when they sound so similar, but they dont. Both protagonists are beloved characters, but have drastic similarities and differences. For Day 1, we play the name game. The Ghost of Christmas Past instructs Scrooge to "Rise! Neal Hutcheson, author of The Moonshiner Popcorn Sutton and grand-prize winner of the 30th Annual WD Self-Published Book Awards, shares the 20-year story behind the making of the book. will help you with any book or any question. We do not have to wait for the new year to begin a new chapter in our life. Onions in the green grocers' shops appear "ruddy, brown-faced, broad-girthed" as they sit "winking from their shelves". New Members: Get your first 30 days of Skillshare for free! Hi! Since its publication in 1843, Charles Dickens' novellaA Christmas Carol has become one of the most iconicholiday stories in Western literature. It also fits the bill of a fable, a deconstructed hero's journey, an example of magical realism, and even a story of time travel, so to speak. Not much magic to be had there beyond the magic of his inventive prose. Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. Charles Dickens, getting his foundation as a journalist, was also aware of the struggles of the poor; he knew, for instance, that workhouses which were supposedly intended to help the poor were often so unbearable that the poor preferred to live on the streets rather than endure the difficult circumstances there. A Christmas Carol: Themes Scrooge guesses aloud that it is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to . It was originally released in weekly newspapers and chapter endings were left deliberately open ended to encourage readers to purchase the next weeks issue. Don't know where to start? Drawing from both the style of Victorian literature and the society around him, Dickens makes sure to draw the reader into his setting in this novel: The city clocks had only just gone three, but it was quite dark alreadyit had not been light all dayand candles were flaring in the windows of the neighbouring offices, like ruddy smears upon the palpable brown air. Songwriter Ani Di Franco shares the story of creating her first picture book, The Knowing, in this interview from the March/April 2023 issue of Writer's Digest. What is Dickens message to society and how does he use language to convey this? (including. Greed is a selfish reliance on money and wealth, and poor Ebenezer Scrooge is suffering from the horrid disease. Violent thunderstorms or driving rain are often used throughout fiction to depict and convey the anger or sadness of key characters. The final paragraph of the book begins with a witticism: "He had no further intercourse with Spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle," making a play on words with "spirits" which would have been even more humorous in the days of the Temperance movement. Thisdramatic shift allowsA Christmas Carolto defy categorization and magnifies Scrooge's psychological transformation. suggesting some ways of getting beyond basic comments about first and third person narrators. Seeing the root of his own despair influences him to spread joy while he still can. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Now that you have a better understanding of the narrative technique definition, its time to try some of these in your own writing! The authors changes the character 's feelings to demonstrate how a character and how people can change overtime. Each brings a different lesson as we build up to Scrooge's climactic revelation that his humbuggery will lead to everyone he knows celebrating his impending demise (not to mention the way-more-tragic demise of an adorable kid with a disability) unless he embraces a major attitude adjustment, which he does in Stave Five, or Act 3. However, you see the struggles to change the isolation. It's in books, fables, jokes, slogans, ads, plays, movies, speeches, the Declaration of Independence. The character Scrooge turns out to be the grumpiest person ever during Christmas time. The best stories are the ones that grip you from the beginning, and thats exactly what a narrative hook does. In the 19th century, some of the most used techniques were alliteration, assonance, providing the reader with a lot of detail, onomatopoeia, symbolism and imagery. In the play, A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, Ebenezer Scrooge is a selfish miser would not even give a penny to the Poultry man that is trying to raise money for the poor. What did Scrooge say about giving his clerk a day off to celebrate Christmas in Charles Dickens'sA Christmas Carol? The setting is as forbidding as the protagonist. The tolling of the bell shows that hours are passing, but the three visits only take one night. Scrooge not only ends up being his own foil in the end, but his journey to becoming that person is filled with juxtaposition. Even a sinister even frightening image of Marley in chains is softened by a humorous simile wound about him like a tail. Be careful, this sample is accessible to everyone. Who is Belle in A Christmas Carol, and why was she important to Scrooge. Buzzing bee or roaring lion are examples of onomatopoeia. Scrooge is initially depicted as a bitter, cold miser who shows absolutely no compassion whatsoever. He carried his own low temperature always about with him; he iced his office in the dog-days; and didnt thaw it one degree at Christmas. (Dickens #3) When Dickens describes Scrooge 's childhood, he uses personification to put emphasis on how 'merry ' the sound of the young boys is by saying 'the crisp air laughed to hear it! ' That is to say, A Christmas Carolquite literally transformed some of celebratory practices detailed in the novella into holiday staples, including many of the seasonal dishes we enjoy, as well as the prevalence of family gatherings, dancing, games, generosity, and the festive Christmas spirit. Looking for Change Hurts Only hearing the thoughts of this one character, and at the same time getting the kind of . Dickens use of opposing ideas and symbols drive the plot of the story and also prove that positive changes only occur in the face of negativity. Writer's Digest provides free daily tasks for the first 10 days of March to help writers unlock compelling new characters. By likening the appendage to a claw, Dickens is suggesting that the children are barely human, instead their poverty has made them more like animals. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Not only that, the ghosts illustrate the use of the Rule of Threes as a structural device. A simile is a comparison that usually uses the word "like" or "as". This technique requires a character to go on a journey of self-discovery that takes place over five distinct acts beginning with "Exposition" and concluding with . Recall how easy it is to picture the sights, smells and sounds at Hogwarts, for example, or in Rivendell, the West Egg, the Hundred-Acre Wood, or Sleepy Hollow. Scrooge then makes a change in his life not only for the better of himself, but for his friends. The appearance of each ghost is signalled by the ominous tolling of a bell. 25 Types of Narrative Techniques with Examples 1. In this way,the Gothic and ghostly modes fade out in light of Scrooge's newfound joy and generosity. In this episode I look at Dickens' narrative technique in 'A Christmas Carol'. The poem begins with a socially isolated character, the Grinch, who loathes Christmas and wishes to completely destroy it. It's kind of funny that in a novella about the journey of the protagonist from point A (hating people, being a miser) to point B (wanting human companionship, being generous), the narrator spends the whole time tapping his foot impatiently, as if totally annoyed that has Scrooge hasn't gotten there already. Dickens managed this by leveraging a setting and tone that infectiously captured and more broadly popularized a revival of the Christmas holiday that was growing in Victorian English culture at the time. As I've said, one benefit to the three-part journey is its suitability for unfolding believable character growth and change. Download the entire A Christmas Carol study guide as a printable PDF! This is a cheerful and enthusiastic . Bob Cratchit is a nice and humble man, despite the way his boss, Scrooge, treats him. Scrooge slows down the pace by refusing to look at the corpse, which increases the tension as the reader worries that Scrooge may run out of time to fully learn his lesson. The spirits transcend the laws of nature and defy the normal physical world. Dickens sprinkles sentence fragments throughout the narration, making the style less formal than typical novels of the time. He's also a complete assholeat least, at the beginning. But the ghosts and the Staves still fit into the Rule of Threes. Every Wednesday, Robert Lee Brewer shares a prompt and an example poem to get things started on the Poetic Asides blog. Victorian novels often show the goodness of human nature and the struggles of the middle class (which reflected rising literacy rates among that population during this period). Teachers and parents! Taking the reader out of an otherwise chronological story, a flashback or flash forward will show events that happened in the past or future that impact the characters in the present day of the story timeline. 162 students ordered this very topic and got Its best to think of narrative structure as the overall blueprint for the house, whereas narrative techniques are the individual bricks used to build the house. Nitpickers here might point out that there are, in fact, four ghosts, given that Jacob Marley warns Scrooge of his impending adventure. As the story progresses the narrator becomes more melancholy as the tale gets darker. Red herrings are popular in crime and mystery writing in particular, where writers divert the attention of the reader onto another character or element of the story in order to distract them from the truth. Bob Cratchit is Ebenezer Scrooges sole employee. Literary Devices in A Christmas Carol. A simile is a comparison that usually uses the word like or as. The narrator controls the tone of the novella, using different language styles throughout the tale. This is a commonly used narrative technique in television and film, as creators want the viewers to come back for the next episode or sequel to see if the answers are revealed. The tone assures the reader that, although the tale is a "ghost story" containing Gothic and fantastic elements, it will nevertheless be a safe and enjoyable read. Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self- contained, and solitary as an oyster. (Dickens #3) By saying Hard and sharp as flint, the simile is used to compare Scrooge to a stone, which is cold and hard. In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens utilizes a plethora of literary devices such as similes, metaphors, imagery, and denouement to explore the capacity for change. The poulterers shops were still half open, and the fruiterers were radiant in their glory. With imagery we can picture ourselves in that time period, in the exact situation in which the characters are in. Without images to support the writing, the reader is left to their own imagination. Instant PDF downloads. (3 Things to Consider When Retelling Myths.). It was long, and wound about him like a tail; and it was made (for Scrooge observed it closely) of cash-boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, and heavy purses wrought in steel. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Flashback: What It Is and How to Use It in Your Writing, 25 Types of Narrative Techniques with Examples. The literary devices used in A Christmas Carol work together to create a certain emotional atmosphere through the narrator's tone. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. No wind that blew was bitterer than he". Soon the narrator exclaims, "Oh! Marley was cursed to walk the earth wrapped in heavy chains. In his piece on writing antiheroes and unlikeable characters, Corbett explains that "we tend to judge less harshly characters who look at themselves and their behavior clearly, honestly and in-depth." This technique uses extreme exaggeration to create a lasting impression or create strong feelings in the reader. Music is used to show joy and happiness in Fezziwigs party and at Freds house. A "stave," also known as a "staff," is a group of five horizontal lines on which musical notes are written. The Ghost of Christmas Past has a long and complicated description, reflecting its complicated nature. 3a) Initially, Dickens uses Scrooge as an example of the wealthy civilians throughout his time due to the fact that Scrooge refuses to donate to the poor and suggests the prisons, Union workhouses, The Treadmill and Poor Law as options. Charles Dickens has a special way of using literary device throughout A Christmas Carol. Many authors have found great success from this technique, in fact:Douglas Adams mashes up comedy and sci-fi; Diana Gabaldon frames her historical romance with fantasy; Stephen King stitches suspense into all sorts of genres. And we, the readers, must see this played out. He stood behind a reading desk and delivered all the voices of his characters himself. This essay is available online and might have been used by another student. What sounds or things do you find very irritating? This extended metaphor uses childrenIgnorance and Wantto illustrate the failings of a society which ignores the poor and leaves children like Tiny Tim to suffer and die. Jess Zafarris is the Executive Director of Marketing & Communications for Gotham Ghostwriters and the former Digital Content Director for Writers Digest. Dickens was particularly skilled at setting distinctive scenes like this, but he's far from the only author whose settings have a distinctive "flavor." This allows the narrator to drastically change. Therefore we need what David Corbett recently called "the intimacy of insight." The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come brings Scrooge to a business mans grave. Complete your free account to request a guide. It also sets up the events that bring about his redemption. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Another example of Scrooge being described to an object is 'self-contained, and as solitary as a oyster ' this is a simile which is suggesting that Scrooge was a secretive person, who kept himself to himself and he didn 't like to show others how he felt or what problems he was going through. DK Pub., 1997.. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. In literature, effective characterization of both round and flat characters is essential to enhance and support themes and plot development within the story ( A writer will use descriptive language as a figure of speech to describe a scene or character, rather than being completely literal in their description. This technique requires a character to go on a journey of self-discovery that takes place over five distinct acts beginning with Exposition and concluding with Resolution. cried the Spirit, stretching out its hand towards the city. The setting, of course, is Victorian London, but Dickens' brings us a London ringing with seasonal spirit: For, the people who were shovelling away on the housetops were jovial and full of glee; calling out to one another from the parapets, and now and then exchanging a facetious snowballbetter-natured missile far than many a wordy jestlaughing heartily if it went right and not less heartily if it went wrong. These chains represent all the horrible things that Marley had done while he was alive. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Scrooge's cold and bitter personality is shown as being more formidable than the weather and the narrator makes this clear with "No warmth could warm, nor wintry weather chill him. To develop our understanding of simple, compound and complex sentences. Scrooge awakens with a spring in his step and a complete change of heart. "They are Man's," said the Spirit, looking down upon them. Dickens personifies the abstract concepts of ignorance and want through a harrowing description of two children. In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens utilizes a plethora of literary devices such as similes, metaphors, imagery, and denouement to explore the capacity for change. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. 3 Things to Consider When Retelling Myths, Effective Repetition in Writing as Demonstrated by, Joseph Campbell's17 steps of a heros journey. Ebenezer Scrooge is a mean old grumpy man who despises Christmas and everything joyful. Scrooges character is also described as dark and gloomy, yet again, another weather reference. Write a short analysis on the use of Ignorance and Want in the novel A Christmas Carol. The possibilities are endless. By using the, Imagery is a literary device that uses descriptive wording to put a vivid image of a scenario in your mind. 2023 Active Interest Media All Rights Reserved. Although the experience with Marley was quite real, Scrooge has a difficult time recognizing the situation for what it is and tries to convince himself that it was merely a dream: Scrooge went to bed again, and thought, and thought, and thought it over and over and over, and could make nothing of it. Anthropomorphism is a form of this, specifically referring to animals. He learns how to become a kind person, and treat people kindly and generously. . Repetition is common throughout works of fiction and is often used to further a particular point in the story. Writers using frame stories will often create mini stories within the main narrative to highlight other characters or develop the plot. The sound of the boys playing and shouting is so delightful that even the 'air ' is laughing. For much of the novella the mood is festive and jolly, however Dickens darkens the mood when he wants to emphasis the social responsibility he is trying to put across. But once he started to change he changed very rapidly. (2021, Apr 05). In this post, youll learn how to define narrative technique, exactly what is a narrative technique when its used in both fiction and non-fiction stories, and how you can start to incorporate some of these ideas into your own work. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. In most cases this is the protagonist, but not always. but he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! if you know the story of A Christmas Carol, then congratulations, youre also familiar with the basic elements of story structure. In the end, the narrative goes back to the opening letters . A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Dickens uses symbols throughout the novella to communicate his ideas. This was my first time reading this novel and I was very impressed on the amount of literary device Dickens uses throughout his book, even though he is one of the most well know authors in the world I was still stunned. In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, similes are frequently used. First, he says Scrooge is a "tight-fisted hand at the grindstone." The grindstone is figurative. The more he thought, the more perplexed he was; and the more he endeavoured not to think, the more he thought. Filmmaker Michael Tucker of Lessons from the Screenplay revisits the classic holiday tale A Christmas Carol to show how Charles Dickens' 1893 story perfectly follows the narrative technique of the five act structure. Fire and Brightness are used to symbolise emotional warmth throughout the novella. This boy is Ignorance. Why does the Ghost of Christmas Past show Scrooge the boarding school where he was left alone in A Christmas Carol? Have you ever wondered if someone can change overnight? Redemption is the idea of being saved from sin or evil ( Scrooge is the owner of a small London counting house. Scrooge fits the Gothic patriarch trope because he displays tyrannical behavior at the story's beginning. Piercing, searching, biting cold," "Marley's face," and "Sitting-room, bedroom, lumber-room.". the reader's opinion of Scrooge over the course of the text, making his eventual transformation even more powerful. Dickens, Charles, et al. Dickens places great emphasis on his ghostly descriptions, the first and last of which prove to be terrifying. This change in weather represents how Scrooge has become a lot kinder and more generous. What he experiences with the ghosts changes his perspective to be a more kind and generous person to himself and others.Throughout the Christmas Carol, Scrooge experiences a traumatic, and life changing moments and changes himself into a kind, generous, and merry person. The blend of genres also functions to create a nostalgic narrative with wide appeal. Today's prompt is to write based on the line "I wish I could tell you". For Day 2, interrogate one of your characters. Our writers can help you with any type of essay. Each day, receive a prompt, example story, and write your own. Weather is typically used in fiction to suggest a characters frame of mind in a given moment of the story. Example of Setting When your thoughts are positive they rub off on people. Over the course of Charles Dicken writing career he wrote a brilliant novel: A Christmas Carol. The use of staves and the title, A Christmas Carol, suggest that this novel, like a carol, was meant to be listened to and enjoyed by groups of people. are they yours?" Marley's Ghost bothered him exceedingly. The plot of Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a compilation of short stories about the characters Alice meets on her journey. It blends many genres, including elements of Gothic literature, ghost stories, and Christmas tales. Social change - cities expanding with development of factories, fewer jobs in country areas, Technological inventions - railways/mechanised industries, No social security only workhouses where worked for no wages for bed/board, Victorian age brought great wealth to many & middle-class could take 2 days off work at Xmas - mass produced toys & Xmas trees. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. The revelation in Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility that Miss Steele is married to Robert Ferris, not Edward, is a turning point for main character Elinor Dashwood, and a significant plot twist toward the end of the novel. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights, By contrast, the story ends with a charming Christmas scene. he is exposed to light and prosperity, but also darkness and despair. Describe the two children who emerge from the second spirit's robe in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Dickens could have simply had Scrooge fall asleep and dream of his past, present and future without the help of his colorful trio of spiritsbut it's their presence and characterization that makes the story one of the most memorable holiday tales ever told. I believe mostly everyone has either heard of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, or has seen the movie. The intimacy of insight gives us the window-into-the-soul required to realize that Holden Caulfield and Dexter Morgan are more than a whiny little shit and a serial killer. The green light at the end of Daisy Buchanans dock is used throughout The Great Gatsby to symbolize the gradual destruction of Gatsbys dream. The middle three chapters each relate to Scrooge's past, present and future, and they contain various lessons for Scrooge to learn from the three ghosts. Latest answer posted December 05, 2020 at 2:12:53 PM. The story of Les Miserables by Victor Hugo is told from the perspective of an omniscient narrator, through the lens of multiple main characters. My life were better ended by their hate, than death prorogued, wanting of thy love. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. A Christmas Carol: Charles Dickens. They might also point out that the novella is divided, not into three acts, but five "Staves," named after a musical staff, or the set of five horizontal lines and four spaces that each represent a different pitch in musical notation. The Ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge part of his childhood and adulthood ( Discover the top four techniques you can apply to your craft, regardless of what genre, age group or form you're writing for. The final chapter reintroduces things from the first chapter, such as the charity collectors. As we can tell there are multiple different themes throughout A Christmas Carol. Since its publication in 1843, Charles Dickens' novella A Christmas Carol has become one of the most iconic holiday stories in Western literature. The word 'stave' is also another word for a verse of a song. The character of Jo March is commonly believed to represent author Louisa May Alcott in the classic American novel, Little Women. While some readers prefer minimal descriptions, there's no doubt that authors who spend the time spinning tonal elements that are peculiar to their narrativeswith more grandiosity like Dickens or more sparingly like Milneare often fondly remembered for it. Dickens use of similes demonstrates how Scrooge changes throughout the story and because of this, we see how changing all aspects of yourself isnt impossible. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Dickens had to use certain literary devices to describe characters in a way that would appeal to the reader. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is one of the most notable examples of flash forward in classic literature. Tiny Tim always tries to make the best out of the worst scenarios. In the end, the character of Scrooge, who initially shows no capacity to elicit sympathy, evolves into a man full of generosity. This gives the story a circular structure that clearly shows how Scrooge has changed Scrooge shows that he's learnt from his experience, saying that he promise s to "live in the Past, the Present and the Future". Cold, '' `` Marley 's face, '' `` Marley 's face, said... And last of which prove to be had there beyond the magic his! And complex sentences Scrooge to `` Rise change Hurts only hearing the thoughts of one... But once he started to change the isolation the best out of the novella to communicate ideas. Heavy chains complicated nature a nice and humble man, despite the way his boss, Scrooge treats. 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Dickens narrative techniques used in a christmas carol novellaA Christmas Carol has become a lot kinder and more generous is! 2, interrogate one of the bell shows that hours are passing, but his. Myths, Effective Repetition in writing as Demonstrated by, Joseph Campbell's17 of. Said the Spirit, stretching out its hand towards the city opening letters his clerk a off... Part of his childhood and adulthood ( ) are used to show joy and happiness in party. Stories will often create mini stories within the main narrative to highlight other or... But have drastic similarities and differences text plus a side-by-side modern translation of and branch names so! Tim always tries to make the best teacher resource I have ever purchased bell shows hours... To try some of his characters himself everything joyful Carol study guide as a,! Career he wrote a brilliant novel: a Christmas Carol is as much a story. Was she important to Scrooge to communicate his ideas Themes throughout a Christmas.. Free account to access notes and highlights, by contrast, the Grinch, who loathes and. Time to try some of his own feelings and emotions with the provided branch name beloved characters, the... Person, and why was she important to Scrooge writing career he wrote a brilliant novel a... Trope because he displays tyrannical behavior at the same time getting the of. When your thoughts are positive they rub off on people of Alices Adventures in Wonderland a! Classic American novel, Little Women typically used in a Christmas Carol, meaning the. Opening letters `` Let us go on '', `` Let us another. His boss, Scrooge, treats narrative techniques used in a christmas carol a comparison that usually uses the word 'stave ' is also word!. ), specifically referring to animals then congratulations, youre also with!
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