Another pair, composed of James Berry and Nixon, was split up and Berry was captured; Nixon, it is assumed, escaped with his share to Canada. The bandits hitched their horses in the alley north of Georgetown Avenue at the corner of Lampasas. By this time, the bandits had made their way back to the alley and were attempting to mount their horses. By the late 1870s Bass and his gang had both the Pinkerton Detectives and the Texas Rangers hot on his trail. The Texas Rangers, sensing the threat to their organization implied in this, chose to respond by proving that they were still an effective deterrent to crime. Two of the privates murdered their co-conspirators. Here, outlaw Sam Bass hid from the law until a final shootout with the Texas Rangers on July 19, 1878. Texas, the Lone Star state that Provident calls home, contains an estimated $340 million in hidden treasure, which is a higher sum than any other US state. No one can figure out who the men where or why the shootout occurs. England, Ken. A few of the men were later captured or killed. For several months, there were moviesque chases with the bandits narrowly escaping the Rangers grasp. Why would anyone wear camouflage while metal detecting? He arrived in Denton, Texas in 1870 and Bass took work on a nearby ranch. Packsaddle Mountain is also the home of the Blanco Mine, named for a Spaniard who found the location long ago. Sam Bass' Treasure Texas' most beloved bandit, Sam Bass, was a train robber in the 1870's. It's said that he left a stash of loot when he was killed by the Texas Rangers in 1878, but it. One tale involves who else but Sam Bass, who allegedly used the cavern as a hide-out following nearby robberies. If a man knows anything he ought to die with it in him, referring to his unwillingness to cooperate with the Rangers even though he knew that he was going to die. Little Cypress Creek Treasure. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/ Larry D. Moore The legend of Sam Bass has grown way out of proportion in relation to his actual deeds. Finding only $450 in the way safe, they brutally beat the express messenger with a pistol in an attempt to force him to open the through safe, which had a time lock preventing it from being opened until the train reached its destination. Others say it was Private Dick Ware. As the bandits crossed over to Kopperals store, they were also observed by Morris Moore, a Travis County deputy sheriff, and Deputy Sheriff Grimes of Williamson County. Bass died from his wounds later on his birthday, July 21, 1878 at the age of 27, thus making him one of the original members of the 27 Club. After the ceremony, she reported that a man on a bay horse, whom she recognized as Frank Jackson, came riding up from the north. The tale started many years following the death of Bass. Tucker eventually went up to him and Sam held up his hand and uttered, I am Sam Bass, the man that has been wanted so long. At this time, the rest of the search party, including Jim Judas Murphy, appeared. The legend began several years after Bass' death, when maps leading to the alleged treasure appeared. It has been noted that the gang was especially violent, even going so far as to pistol whip a freight agent on the train. On Friday the 19th, Sam, Frank and Seaborn went into New Town to case the bank one final time; Murphy had stayed behind in Old Town in the hopes of getting in contact with Major Jones. Texas Rangers caught up with him in a nearby pasture. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; The maps stated that the location of Bass' treasure was in a hollow tree on what is now called Sam Bass Road, roughly two miles west of Round Rock. The following year, He killed himself by taking poison on June 7, 1879 (Ibid.). Other theories mention additional locations of the supposed treasure. A tree similar to the one described on the map was spotted by treasure-hunters and chopped down-only to come up empty. DIME FEATURED MAKER: CARRIE CRUMBLEY OF RESOYCLED , DO THE DENTON HOLIDAY LIGHTING FESTIVAL LIKE A PRO, THE MANY FACES OF DENTON'S FINE ARTS THEATER. June 23, 1953. Murphy, stalling for time, suggested that stealing horses would only raise suspicions and that they should rest their horses and then rob the bank on Saturday. During the time of these Texas train robberies, the Sam Bass Gang was staffed by Frank Jackson, Seaborn Barnes (who was shot in the legs during the Mesquite job), Thomas Spotswood, Arkansas Johnson, Henry Underwood, Sam Pipes and Albert Herndon; Bass and Barns took place in all four of the robberies, Jackson participated in three, Johnson in two and the others in one (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 374). Which Immunity-Boosting Foods are Best for You? Returning with supplies, they were unable to locate the spot where they had buried the treasure. Sheriff Eagan employed Sam not as a deputy but as a farmhand; he curried the horses, milked the cows, cut firewood, but, most importantly, Sam spent some time as a teamster. Your email address will not be published. With Alan Hale Jr., Bobby Clark, Eddy Waller, Dub Taylor. By on September 15, 2017 Filed Under: Extras. How could he have spent $10,000 in less than four months? Whatever the reason, the Sam Bass Gang stood up the Texas Central train at Allen Station on February 22, 1878. Together they decided to run a herd of cattle to the northern markets. The bandits boarded and used violence against anyone who tried to stop them. I will find later and give the titles and authors. The conquistadors are said to have filled in the mine so nobody else could discover the hoard. As a child, Sam received no formal schooling and he chose to strike out on his own in 1869. If anyone ever found the Bass Gold they never reported it. However, Frank did not abandon his friend but camped nearby him (Reed and Tate 222). Today, Sam Bass is not as well-known as he was in the past; however, the City maintains its historical legacy as evidenced by the street markers identifying the events in the celebrated shootout. Thank you very much and God BlessAmerica, Jack & Dodie Dennis, Click Here For Top 10 Most Popular Articles. Paris and John run Doggone Texas an online guide to dog-friendly travel in the Lone Star State. Why was he not true?. This holdup netted the gang $1,300 and on March 18th they again held up the Texas Central, this time at Hutchins. Another source claims that the treasure was nowhere close to $3 million, actually only about $80,000 in gold coins. A deputy named Moore fell, wounded. The stolen bounty was part of the Mexican payroll in 1836 and its allegedly buried 5 feet deep, near an oak tree with a carving of two eagle wings on it, according to Physical Description 1 photograph : b&w ; 10 x 7 in. Sam and Jack Davis rode south in a one horse buggy and made their way back to Denton. Originally written by Captain Gillett, an ex-Ranger of Company E, frontier battalion, who was present at the capture and death of Sam Bass and was a friend of Dick Ware. SAN ANTONIO - You could find buried treasure in the Texas Hill Country -- an estimated $340 million worth. Frank Jackson managed to keep from getting caught by the pinkertons and even tried to get a pardon but was denied. "Oil workers actually picked up readings that metal was to be found at the bottom of the lake. As weve previously written, the Texas outlaw Sam Bass got his start in Denton as a stable boy and hired hand when he arrived in 1870, but quickly achieved notoriety racing his famously fast Denton Mare around the territories. He died on his 27th birthday, two days after he was shot and just eight years after he initially arrived in Texas. He soon formed a gang, robbed more stages and added to his caches. Bass went to his hideout at Cove Hollow near Denton, Texas. I have been researching treasure stories in Texas for my history students for an upcoming section. Some believe he buried his treasure at Cove Hollow, although others believe he just as easily could have spent the money. According to the story, Comanche Indians were chasing a train of pack mules carrying hefty loads of silver and the men in charge of the bounty buried the silver to keep it from being stolen. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Sam Bass legends are not the only treasure-filled stories flying around Williamson County. Why was he not true? This monument has long since been chipped away by souvenir hunters and has now been replaced with a granite tombstone erected by the Sam Bass Centennial Commission. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); After a few more robberies, including at least one more involving a train, Bass met his demise in Round Rock, Texas on July 19th, 1878. The Rangers, under the direction of Captain Lee Hall, were able to take the gang by surprise while they were resting at Jim Murphys house. Legend says theres close to $3 million buried in Austin. Where there had once been a metal containerand possibly a treasurethere was only a rust-lined hole. 2. He was orphaned before he was thirteen and spent five years at the home of an uncle. Yet this fast turnaround led to future stories of Sam hiding his stash in various places around Texas while he went out and committed more robberies. Tucker felt that Bass should not see Murphy; so, Murphy identified Sam while hiding behind a tree. A map was found that were said to lead to the alleged treasure. The Rangers then put Sam in the back of a wagon and brought him back to Round Rock. Ware was in a barbershop getting a shave when the outlaws killed Grimes. If you are seeking to enter any of the caves that Sam Bass and his gang may have frequented, be sure to always exercise the utmost care and caution as cave exploration is most certainly a dangerous task. The Laginas and Matty Blake help treasure hunters Donna McCauley and Gypsy Jewels search two hideouts in Mineral Springs, Texas where the legendary outlaw Sam Bass is believed to have stashed more than a million dollars in stolen gold. Sam, Frank Jackson, Seaborn Barnes and Jim Judas Murphy arrived in Round Rock Sunday night July 14. Amazing Story of Sam Bass And Hidden Treasure West of Prairie Dell Told in Detail. Temple News. When will you folks be re-stocking the prospector rounds? I found this and wanted to share. Several years ago, a tree that was noted to be similar to the one that was described in the map was found by those seeking Bass' treasure was chopped down and the men came up with nothing. During his short time as an outlaw, Bass and his gang stole quite a bit of money and according to legend he hid a good deal of loot in several remote caves throughout Texas. It is assumed that Sam would have reached Denton by late autumn; yet, by February of 1878, Bass had begun to rob trains again. Ifyado, well seeya at the secret hideout! Sam saved up his money and bought a racehorse that allowed him to quit his job and focus on racing and gambling. But it will take some time/energy to destroy it. The following day a search party found Bass resting up against a tree and returned him to Round Rock where he died the next day, July 21st, which just so happened to be his birthday and only eight years after he had originally come to Texas. Moving west to Llano, were once again on the trail of Sam Bass. Feb. 1989: 61. Equally fascinating is the enduring legacy of Sams hidden gold in Denton! He was shot trying to rob a Round Rock bank. Part of the confusion over who actually shot Bass stems from the fear of the Rangers and Round Rock citizens. Sam clasped onto his saddle horn but was unable to stay on his horse and fell to the ground. Among this treasure is the hidden loot of Sam Bass, an infamous outlaw who lived in the late 1800s. there are a couple good books I have read on the subject. A man in soiled clothes quickly throws another shovelful of dirt over his shoulder. Out of concern for their own safety, the Texas Rangers decided to call off the search for Bass until Saturday morning. Born on a farm two miles from Mitchell, Indiana on July 21, 1851, he was soon orphaned and he and his brother and sisters moved to a nearby farm to live with their uncle and his nine children. A few years after his death, Sams sister had a tombstone erected on which was engraved the following epitaph: A brave man reposes in death here. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. Required fields are marked *. Secret map to the famous outlaw Sam Bass hideout and treasure. Heading west, back into the heart of the Hill Country, lie a number of treasure sites. No ones found the Spanish silver cache, but some treasure seekers in this area have struck goldor gemstones, as the case may be. With permission from private landowners, anyone is free to take a pick and shovel and, like generations have done in the past, search for gold. The governor responded by calling in the Texas Rangers to find and capture the notorious bandits. I thought long and hard before I decided to release this never before seen map to the old outlaw hideout of not only the Bass gang but also the James gang also used this hideout. The Sam Bass Gang Notorious Outlaws & Lost Treasures in Texas. You will need to inform the landowner of what you are going after, so a written agreement that lays out any potential discovery and how the treasure is to be split up is a necessity. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Texas history has often referred to him as Texas Beloved Bandit or Robin Hood on a Fast Horse (Centennial Commission). ONeal, Bill. Sam and Jack Davis convinced these men that they too were searching for the bandits in the hopes of receiving a large reward. Plus other artifacts. He's not just famous, he's INfamous. JavaScript is disabled. They send a probe down and it hit metal just before a giant storm hit, destroying the raft and any other evidence, according to amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Glenmoril Wyrd Treasure Map: Daggerfall. Basss code of ethics was summed up by his statement: it is agin my profession to blow on my pals. Some say Texas Ranger George Herold shot him. A Quick History of Death Row Executions in Texas, Two Little Known Ways Some Pharmacies Take Advantage of You, Five Charged in Texas Border UPS Drug Distribution Operation, While Michigan Nurses Get 16%+ Raise, Illinois Nurses Sue Hospitals for Wage Theft, How Crooked Maricopa Election Officials Controlled the 2022 Narrative, Target, Other Retailers Issue These Product Recalls, Mainstream Media and Woke Companies Continue to Plunge With Financial Losses. Sam Bass was barely cold in the ground when folks started hunting for his hidden gold, and still are to this day. He ran to the street, his face still lathered, and for a time, single-handedly fought the fleeing bandits (When Sam Bass). They chose Bass to be their example, and they set out to capture him at any cost. This is the story of Bass and the treasure that may still be out there waiting to be discovered. Lost Padre Mine Treasure. Frank did not want to leave his friend, but he was eventually convinced to do so. You must log in or register to reply here. Finding some wooden boxes, the bandits broke them open revealing $60,000 worth of freshly minted $20 gold pieces headed from the San Francisco Mint to an Eastern bank (Smith 32). He cant let anyone see himhe has something to hide. 3 hour hunt yields 8 and halfs cents! Also Read: Metal Detecting in Texas Coins, Relics & Buried Treasure, And: 7 Things to Consider When Searching for Buried Treasure Caches. The two men hauled out several hundred pounds of the metal, shaping it into bullets. He also found work as a freighter where he ended up falling in with the wrong crowd and by 1877 he found himself involved with one of the biggest train robberies in railroading history. About the Authors: Paris Permenter and John Bigley are a husband-wife team of travel writers and guidebook authors based in the Texas Hill Country. Further supporting this theory is the account from Bass himself who indicated that he had been shot before he reached the horses, not in the alley where Harold claims to have shot him, and that the man that shot him had lather on his face. Westernlore Press, Tucson, Arizona: 1988. Byways & Historic Trails Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas Declaring Independence, Stanley, Ks Extinct but Still Here (LOK), Black Bob Reservation in Johnson County (LOK), Make History Come Alive With These Online Tools and Resources. Sam began working for the sheriff as a farmhand and teamster, which acquainted him to the country trails and back roads that he would later use as a bandit. Born in 1851 on a farm in Indiana, Sam Bass was orphaned by age 13. Many believe that Bass hid out in a cave south of Denton. So Frank never returned to get the outlaw gold. Still others claim that he lived out his life on a ranch in New Mexico (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 390). Sam was brought to a small shack for questioning, but he did not divulge any information about the members of his gang. Personal interview, October 28, 1991. Supposedly, it still lies buried beneath the dirt. After 1875, Sam never again had permanent full-time work. There is an odd place on the back wall/cliff that looks like an entrance. Think you can find some of the legendary hidden booty? The whereabouts of the loot is said to be in a hollow tree on what is now Sam Bass Road located about two miles west of Round Rock. Found this at a rev war site in SC, any idea what it may be? According to one version of the story, the rancher went to look for the laborer when he failed to return to the ranch. Jim Murphy, who had stayed behind in Old Town during the shootout, reported that he saw Sam and Frank come up the street on their way to their camp, which was near the Round Rock Cemetery. He then rode to Round Rock with deputy sheriff Morris Moore of Travis County (When Sam Bass). In a desperate attempt to flush the gang out, the Rangers conducted a sweep of all residents suspected of harboring the bandits. Longhorn Caverns, outside Burnet, is said to be the home of more than one treasure trove. Its said that John Singer discovered a wooden chest containing $80,000 in Spanish coins and jewelry on the Texas coast and buried it in the sand dunes to protect his treasure from looters. But theres some pretty darn convincing evidence that Sams loot, if there was any left, is somewhere around Denton! So they decided to try their hand at train robbing, hoping to score more money. Instead he went straight and started a successful cattle ranch in New Mexico.Subscribe to my youtube channel't forget to hit the like button and bell notification.If you're looking for a new metal detector or equipment click this link and Give Kellyco a try. Sam's treasure map in NW part of map I received a letter from Sam that she had a treasure map - said it could be a prank. You must log in or register to reply here. The maps stated that the location of Bass treasure was in a hollow tree on what is now called Sam Bass Road, roughly two miles west of Round Rock. These pages are adapted from the original 1991 print version. He made a map of the site, showing that it was buried five feet underground, close to an oak tree with two eagle wings carved on it. Oct 8, 2004. Monday they went into the town to case the bank and get a shave. The location was said to be in a hollow tree on what is now the Sam Bass Road, about two miles west of Round Rock. He and his siblings went to live with their uncle and his nine children, where they received no formal schooling. Sam Bass and his outlaws also buried a treasure somewhere in the Pilot Point area. They have been replaced with an authenticated photo. At the same time, Ranger Ware crossed the street from Highsmiths Livery Stable to the barber shop. Such was the fame of Bass that it was believed that the person who shot hm would be subsequently killed by one of Basss supporters; thus, individuals were not anxious to be known as the person responsible for killing him (England). Home Departments Planning and Development Services Historic Preservation The Historic Round Rock Collection The Story of Sam Bass. Eakin Publications, Inc., Austin, Texas: 1985. Pirate Jean Laffite's Lost Silver Load. We appreciate your readership and knowledge, David. Sam Bass Treasure Cave Near Ranger, Texas Texas Jay Feb 24, 2022 Texas Jay Bronze Member Feb 11, 2006 1,140 1,312 Brownwood, Texas Detector (s) used Garrett AT Pro, Garrett Scorpion Gold Stinger, Garrett Ace 350, Garrett Ace 250, vintage D-Tex SK 70, Tesoro Mojave, Dowsing Rods Primary Interest: All Treasure Hunting Feb 24, 2022 #1 For the events during and after the shootout, all of the stories have been gathered for the reader to examine; thus, throughout the narrative, differing views are presented. Welcome to the forum from the mountains of northeastern Oregon! Is there treasure on the Denton Square? The location is on private land, but it is located on Signal Hill, which can easily be spotted from Interstate 35. Long ago his trail the late 1870s Bass and hidden treasure west of Prairie Told! To run a herd of cattle to the alleged treasure appeared were later captured killed. Four months of his gang pinkertons and even tried to get a pardon but was denied stories. 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