3/23 A solid reminder of how much of a medicore scholar I am. You get the grant (or not) depending on the points you get - theres nothing else taken into account. Given that most applicants are grad students of color, I would hope that they are working toward a more timely notification process 4/27 Sorry to hear that. I think rejections come by mail, maybe also e-mail. So 4/5 of applicants don't get through, and then a further 2/3 of finalists don't receive it. 2/2 Interviews are being held late this week. Anyone notice how they extended the deadline at the very last minute? (7/3) Does anyone know the likelihood of being extended an offer if one does not receive the "intent form"? Request for transcripts received at 12:07pm ET on 2/5 (and on 2/4 my portal displayed "Finalist Submission" under the tab "Needs Attention," as others have reported). Was this a personal correspondence? (2/9) Anyone have an idea how many applications make it to the final tier? The rest have presumably made it to the review panel, the dates for which were April 13 and 14. English x1 (for the postdoc; note for future applicants that I emailed CFD and they confirmed that Dissertation Fellowships are especially hard to get). No, I haven't heard yet. Any idea when are they likely to declare the final results? x 2, ------Update (5/10) Received email that my project is being recommended; no changes on Fastlane/research.gov x2. 4/11 Good luck, all--so nervous! 4: a. le dossier complet, accompagne dun chque dadhsion la Socit dun montant de 20 dollars amricains, libell lordre de la SPFFA, doit tre envoy galement ladresse suivante avant le 15 fvrier 2021 (15 mars 2021 pour les bourses destines aux sous- gradus). I was one of the accepted and I applied for history of art and visual culture. 4/28: Any cultural anth hear back yet or know when we might? 1/26 Anyone heard anything about Andrew Mellon or Ittleson? 4/15 At this point I do not think we're going to hear back from them. ^ That's what I'm hoping. Once Peace Scholar awards are finalized, the status of every application will be updated in the FLUXX system. Did you apply for predoc or dissertation fellowship? It disappeared today though and my application is now current. I have just sent an email (for the second time, I never got an answer the first time 10 days ago) to inquire about results. My school's fellowship office had conflicting information about Fulbright award timelines (they told me that it was guaranteed that I would hear "by the end of the week" and then I actually didn't hear for several weeks). Any sense of how many alternates they choose? Note that I did the "check last edit date" trick above and saw that the last edit date on my app was in January, so the rejection was unsurprising. 4-5 Has anyone heard back about this fellowship? Last year they said April, but I didn't hear until June or July, and I don't think winners and runner ups were announced until September or so. Applied: France x1 (semifinalist notification 12/18/20). (5/9) Siobhan Mattison is the director of the bio anth program. So, it seems like we have a good chance of hearing back this week, perhaps Th 3/18 or F 3/19. I hope not, but academia is a bit of a sadistic game. I've got nothing so far. I was an applicant and haven't received any communication. Applicants notified of standing on Feb. 8. Is anyone holding out hope? Would you be willing to share whether you are History of Art & Visual Culture applicants or one of the other fellowships? alternates? ^ History! Looks like we have to wait until next week. -E, [4/12] For my application, I asked my letter writers to mail me sealed letters of recommendation. Good luck everyone! ^^^^ Same here too. SSRC IDRF 2021 SSRC IDRF 2021. 3/22 Rejected. Congratulations to the finalists. Good luck all ~V, 4/12 received an acceptance e-mail but will likely decline in the next couple of weeks. I just honestly think it's taking longer. ^3.22 It's a weird year, and my advisor did say they hadn't heard anything yet about acceptances. I guess they are finally doing away with snail mail. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $23,000. Best of luck to you! Edit: Nevermind, just got the rejection. ty! (4/13) Campus coordinator told me that results come in anytime between June and September which seems crazy to me. For those familiar with the review process, any idea if transcript requests sent out todayare after the first review tier (abstract/three responses) or second (complete proposal)? For those who have been through this ordeal of waiting before, does SSRC update the portal to let applicants know they have been rejected? Good luck and congratulations to recipients! Your email address will not be published. Hoping for today. It seems very late! It's a slog for sure. 2/23 ^ I'm waiting too. WebPh.D., History, University of Washington, 2022. Do we know if people on the short list are usually notified? 2/4 Thank you all for the useful info! Assuming we're hoping to NOT hear anything as in previous years, right? 6/2: ^Thanks for that info. I sent one recently, so hopefully it wasn't too late. ^^Thanks for the update! Coffee Snob Still no news about finalist or rejection status on the portal or over email for me. 3/15: 3:39 EST - notification of finalist status: "From a pool of more than 450 applications, the top applications have been selected and forwarded to the Final Selection Committee for review. A similar conversation about the review results link is happening over at gradcafe: https://forum.thegradcafe.com/topic/127397-2021-ford-foundation-fellowship/page/2/#comments, 03/22 6:30AM MST - Not awarded (Biology- Dissertation). Previous years have sent notifications late Feb. Their website says 3/12/2021, so maybe it is the new normal? Btw, there is 60 fellowships this season ^idk about this, esp. Hi all, Based on previous years, we should know by the end of today (usually released on Tuesday or Wednesday of the second week in April). -E, [4/12] Congratulations! 3/24 Acceptance email (notice of nomination before trustee vote), March 2: got a rejection email saying that they have candidate campus visits scheduled x2, (Applied: 1x Medieval English literature). I'm emailing Academic Programs. Ppl at my uni who've gotten it said they had the impression that it's entirely based on the point system. WebThe IDRF program is open to graduate students in the humanities and social sciencesregardless of citizenshipenrolled in PhD programs in the United States. I can't help but think that someone out there is tinkering with the link language just to chuckle and watch the panic level on this forum shoot through the roof. Does it looks the same on your side? (2/4), Ugh. Someone knows which of the 8 fellowships committees have picked their finalists? Wow, thanks for the suggestion - my last edit was back in January, so I imagine I was cut from the pool early. Anyone heard anything at all? I really thought I would hear by now. (2/5) May be wrong (and I hope I am), but I don't think anyone has received a rejection. The 18 accepted applicants will receive an email from ---[[1]], which will provide additional information. All other applicants (for example, those in Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology, among others) must request six to twelve months of on-site, site-specific dissertation research with a minimum of six months of research outside of the United States. Thank you so much! 4/7 I know the application form said we would hear by the end of March. Only one reviewer gave comments. SSRC IDRF application round 2021 (figured I'd make a new one since we only have 2020..) zkasim2; 1 Link to comment Share on other sites. So I would presume we may hear anytime now, since the intent form went out much earlier this year. 4/14-Does anyone have any ideas when we'll hear back? Drawing Institute staff make final recommendations to the Director of the Morgan Library & Museum who reviews and approves awards." ^ (7/2) that's a long time to wait. 06/11 Wondering if decisions have gone out? ), 6/17 - Called HFG early afternoon to ask about decision announcements, was told they "should go out next week." If someone could confirm this, I think it could help others in moving on. rejected 2/23. (07/15), Passed stage 1: archaeology (8/2 for official email, saw I had passed a couple weeks ago the same way ^^) (update: denied 2.66), Approved with 2.00 (Oct 8th)- Sociocultural Anthropology (1). (4/9). 5/27 - I also haven't heard anything from them directly. 5/26 has anyone heard back from them directly? In 2013, Narges Bajoghli was awarded the SSRCs International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) to conduct her PhD research in Iran. I wish I knew more! 05/04 - Email from USIP stating 'The announcement of the Peace Scholar Awards has been slightly delayed until early June. Can you confirm if notification was emailed? I haven't heard anything (applied to both Lauder and History of Art and VC). Anyone else see this? 1/21 Have not heard anything. Ill be more active on thatthread now. Good luck to the other applicants! 2/9: Interviews concluded on Feb. 6. 5/24 ^Was this for both the humanities and sciences? And then you get asked for transcripts if you're being considered but not top of list. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear back anything ^ https://webportalapp.com/sp/login/met_museum_fellowships. Maybe some reviewers are faster than others? History, Peking University, 2012. Oh, and I received a notice of award. Nothing on my end. 3/22 9:16am EST - Received email to check review result. The waiting anxiety is growing thick! Finally, that submit button at the end does not mean submit the pdf documents, it means submit the whole entire grant. Rejected via email at 5:04 pm ET. The IDRF program expects fellows to remain at their research site(s) for the full six- to twelve-month funding period. Their website now states, "Incomplete and ineligible applicants will be informed of their status by December 2020. Today was the last day to get a response, according to the website. No idea what is means; everyone I know can also see it in their respective app portals. The panel placed 3 proposals in High Priority; 6 proposals in the Medium Priority, 13 proposals in Low Priority; and 51 proposals in Non-Competitive, >Can anyone confirm the above rejections? So jealous of applicants in previous years who were notified in late Feb. Maybe we will still hear something today? Do you remember what the lag time was between being asked to sign the "intent form" and finding out about your status? (Told myself July) Some other grants allow you to accept multiple ones as long as you aren't double-dipping, like if you got Mellon ACLS and Fulbright you could accept both so long as you didn't use money to pay for the same things (i.e., divide into housing, research, travel, expenses.) We will know as soon as all rejections have been released. From previous years, fellows and alternates should be out by second week of April. I have received neither a rejection nor any letter from them.. congrats and thanks!) Good luck! Maybe something like this is happening right now. The strongest proposals are selected for the short list and sent to outside reviewers for ranking and further feedback. Applications for dissertation research can be grounded in a single site, informed by broader cross-regional and interdisciplinary perspectives, or can be multi-sited, comparative, or transregional. Also (correct me if I'm wrong!) 3.30 is anyone else still waiting to hear back on the Luce? Powered by Invision Community. I think we will It seems like last year they notified in April, but this year the date for notification is June. No news on the portal or email for me either. Digging through the archives it seems like acceptances and rejections are released around last week of April and first week of May, but some people don't hear back until much later. The International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) Photo Competition is offered every year to IDRF recipients. Scores: Very Good- Excellent in all categories:(. (2/8). I find the politics of then interesting. (09/02) Gosh, they are really taking their time with this one, aren't they! There was a delay at the university level. 4/14 - Informed of acceptance via email. Last application cycle, rejections were sent out at the end of the first week of February, but apparently someone on this forum was told by them that it might be as late as March (though obviously this was not the case). 6/2; received notification of acceptance at 4:23pm est. Acceptance Rate. Perhaps our applications are going through one final round of review? applied x5. (I applied for one of the other SAR fellowships, but I figured they sent out all decisions at the same time). Due to budget constraints they could only fund 15 4-month HSS fellowships. [4/11] Good luck to you as well! -3/15 end of day is looming, and no news yet. Two provided really positive feedback--"this is a necessary intervention in a dominantly white field" kind of positive--but my checks were mainly between good and second to best. 1/21 Sorry for getting antsy but has anyone heard anything? when did they hear back? 5/31 If you go to the likes, you can see that the account liked those who posted that they received award. Based on previous years posts, they usually reach out to finalists between January 18th and 20th. I think they just want to make sure applicants are still interested and eligible before they make first-choice and alternate offers. 4/14: Also for posterity - the award letter's subject line was "2021 IDRF Program" and the first line was "Congratulations! That is a small number of applicants, especially in comparison to previous years. 3.29 received a rejection at around 3:40 pm eastern x3. No rejection sent to PI or me. Note to PIs: The following program summary is intended to be used for informational purposes only. 3 reviewers all gave positive feedback. Midwestern University Glendale Acceptance Rate, If you are considering Psychology as a major. Read More . Good luck to everyone else. (9/10) Received notice of award from campus Fulbright coordinator. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $20,000. I replied to their email on 4/22 and they let me know that I am awarded. Six (6) to twelve Anyone else? Is it typically the Monday of the second week of April or do we think it might be today? And to my fellow non-finalists: keep strong! Mostly positive feedback, but, alas, not positive enough! I think we will hear something by April 10th or so. 2/2 I just hope that with the COVID-19 pandemic and defunding the police movements that CASVA is making a better effort to get a more diverse set of voices in the room. x4, 3/22 - Any news on the post-doctoral fellowships? ^^^Re: the seeming delay in sending decisions - my sense is that they are actually on track? Last year I received my rejection email on Feb 10 but it had been written on the 2nd. 5/31 ^This twitter acct https://twitter.com/ChateaubriandUS? Mine was edited early in the morning (like 1am) May 1st as well, so imagine whoever was working on them did so into the night. --Just wondering if anyone out there knows some stats on this fellowship, like how many have applied in the past, and how many awards are granted ---This year it looks like they will offer approximately 36 diss and 70 predoc fellowships. Good to know I guess! 9 Signs You Have What It Takes to Major in Finance, The Disadvantages of Receiving a Psychology Degree, What You Need to Know About Becoming a History Major, Is Management Information Systems a Good Major? 3/8: OP here, sorry for the confusion. Do they just announce winners on Twitter or Facebook and assume that those who didnt hear anything will learn about it (eventually) through the same channel? I've heard that rejection letters were sent out - I wish I knew the chances of getting selected out of the finalist pool Trying not to get too e I asked if that means the Board of Directors are meeting next week, he told me they met already this week. And if the review panels are in April, when are the final results released? 2/23 I haven't heard anything either, and assumed postal delays could account for our letters not arriving in the mail yet. The performance period may be for no more than one year (12 months), and projects must conclude no later than May 31, 2023. You will see a "status updated" column with a date. Followers 3. I thought I saw the application form for this year was due in mid-March, two months later than usual. (x3) Seems like in the past, acceptances/rejections/alternates are notified over a couple days I think. 1/29 I suppose I should come to terms with the reality of rejection, but hope springs eternal. ), 6/17 - Called HFG early afternoon to ask about decision,... Make final recommendations to the director of the other fellowships taken into account perhaps Th 3/18 or F 3/19 selected. We will still hear something today they could only fund 15 4-month fellowships! Of Washington, 2022 May be wrong ( and I hope I am though... My advisor did say they had the impression that it 's a weird,. By April 10th or so I guess they are actually on track presume we May anytime! 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